Friday, September 09, 2005

Moochy is wondering- 2 piece knits

How exactly do the Rabunim, come up with these problems?

When they discuss this, do they get a bulge in their pants? or at least blush?

How do they conduct the meeting about an issue like this?
Lets make a scenario:

Rabbi: I was on the streets today and I passed by this very attractive woman, and instantly I thought of sex, more ve'raboisie ! I went home and I was still thinking about that curvy tush, So I made a cheshbon hanefesh, what was so hot on her , what was so distinct on her that made my brain work effortlessly thru my beketche, tzitzis - niputz lishmuh-, all the way thru my zipper and down under my chasidishe rabinu taam's (YUCK) ?

She was not wearing a red turban.
She did not have ge-fasteh klieder.
she was not in Miami.
She did not use Moisture-cure.
If she was wearing a swimsuit, she definitely had a t-shirt on top.
No Dirchzichtigeh shtrimp either -as a matter of fact I looked those legs up instantly and she did wear the bullet proof (9/11 recommended) Orange-ish color Tights.
The milk crate hut nisht chulilah getrugen miten eiruv.

Nur voos den?? Ein zach !!! 2 piece knits
doos iz es, its terrible, di huur fin kup (in nuch andereh zachen) ken zich fin daim oifshtelen!!

I suggest 3 things:
1) Post on all lamp posts, that you shouldn't wear them
2) Boycutt stores that sell them
3) when you see a woman wearing the 2 piece, immediately rip 1 piece off her !!

IS that how it goes?????

Now on a more serious note:
A while ago there was a drushah from one of the prominent rabbi's explaining that woman should dress decent at home, for their men, so after they come home from work, eyeing the nice girls at work or on their way to work, they shouldn't come home to a wife that on top of her yelling at the kids, is also wearing a dirty house coat.

isn't a 2 piece knit a nice way out?
and what is so sexual about this? I was thinking of a designer sales pitch to Victoria secretes.


At 9/09/2005 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9/11/2005 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 9/12/2005 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you please explain what is a Two piece knit?

Thank you

I love your blog looking forward to add you to my favorite list

At 9/12/2005 4:53 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Thanx for visiting, but why do you say that??????

At 9/12/2005 4:57 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Thank you willy.

If you are a willy Chusid, then you should of seen those huge posters about them.

I suggest you ask your wife.
(it should not be cosidered "Nivul Peh")

At 9/12/2005 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

moochy it was a hacker not JBF must be yy or someone click on jewishbifemme you will see it is not her I don't think she will visit a man's blog. she hates us

At 9/12/2005 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

now we know its for sure yy hacking cause he always imitates her the way she says freak.
If you see other blogs you will see that JBF always says good things never bad only on her blog

At 9/12/2005 6:31 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

why you hide under anon?

At 9/15/2005 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MOOOCHY, guy, you got a sense of humor mister.

Can we meet up sometimes and laugh? (I dont mind your gender, but I will definately check, if you let me!!!)


At 9/19/2005 3:26 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Anon, describe yourself, so to see my options, Slik dont rely on anon, you can have your own chance if you really are slik.

At 9/19/2005 6:54 PM, Blogger Anonymous said...

Oh. I ran to Neuschloss to see what they mean, and I liked it. I bought it.

The reason why the say they Assur it. (I'm sure you know, but for others that don't) is because its a clingy knit. They want you to wear "dust-ehrs" that has no shape. Straight down. One piece of material from the top to bottom.

Same idea as the coats that are sold. Good for regular and maternity wear.

At 9/20/2005 3:37 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Clingy knits is a problem if you buy them a size to small, (or with girdle in mind , and then you dont wear one - YUCK)

I like the way you describe "dust-ehrs" is that really where the word comes from?

I heard aof a very frum vabel, who has a seperate one for Milchig and fleishig.

At 9/21/2005 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, on 2 dust-ers

At 9/22/2005 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I had the same question,
and I was explained was exactly Shevy's words (hey was it you?? )
its Clingy, and people can see the outline of my bra!!!!

And what if I dont mind??? well, just kidding, but I mean you dont walk down Lee or 13th ave with that, it is instead of a house coat, so who is to stare long enough and see the outline?? MY OWN HUSBAND, soo?? like what is the problem

At 11/11/2005 1:28 AM, Blogger SemGirl said...

You are hysterically funny Mooch.. I love it..

At 11/11/2005 1:29 AM, Blogger SemGirl said...

You are hysterically funny, Moochy.. I love it..

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