Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Moochy is wondering- back seam pantyhose

We all know that ultra frum women wear seamed stockings/pantyhose/tights and even knee highs .let me first say this: I am not mocking it , and not trying to make fun of the original idea:

If I am correct on this, the same rebi also said to wear palm stockings, so there were 2 rules about ultra kosher stockings.

Yet, seams are particularly quite commen in the chasidish world but not palm, or palm look-alike.

WHY??? If they are both from the same people to the same people to de-sex the legs of these people, why do you choose one over the other? Why do you take DKNY Beautifully bare pantyhose to put seams on???

Personally, I think it seams adds shape to your legs and it makes them look even sexier, yes some legs don’t need an enhancement but for those who do, it does a terrific job, as a matter of fact back in the 50’s seams were stylish, and Marilyn Monroe in some pictures is wearing seams (no wonder her last name was Monroe) even today you can buy plenty of them online or in boutique shops, yet I palm I think is a disgust for one womans sexy legs, and if it was done to make women look un-appealing and sexy, well, job well done !!

I have a friend who wears the weirdest colors and styles (yes even fishnet) and yet she wears seams, last time I checked her stockings they were CK 7 denier, but with seams… DUH!!?

The only reason, again, seams are sexy bullet proofs are not, and Yikes for those who wear Orange, or have a piping in the back.

P.S. All you girls who bother adding the seams, if you wish to avoid the hassle, you can get “back seams” stockings online, yes it is still considered sexy.

Please keep posts clean, and if you use anonymous, at least sign a name.

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At 9/27/2005 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering if you can get condoms with a seam as well...wink


At 9/27/2005 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Moochy!

I'm writing from Stamford Hill and would like to share my perspective on Chasidish women's dress.

There is something strongly arousing about the frum styles. A pair of legs in bulletproof tights deserves a second look more than an uncovered goyter. A prim and proper 18 year old virgin's face is so much more alluring than that of her experienced counterpart in the outside world. A glimpse of a frilly slip under a "square" skirt is the same.


At 9/27/2005 12:37 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

palm was created that you shouldnt see skin
whats your problem?
tell your wife not to wear any socks
respect those who dress modest
as those women dont arouse me while the sluts incite me to sin

At 9/27/2005 3:06 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

my comment wasnt aimed specific to mooochy
just in general

At 9/27/2005 7:17 PM, Blogger Lost said...

Personally, I can't get away withe the whole seemed stockinged 'sexy' look. I'm only 19 and I've been told I look 14. To each their own I suppose.I guess these Chassidush women are trying to be ultra tznius and make a point as well? Haven't figuired it out honestly.

At 9/27/2005 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remeber those days when I was a kallah and wanted to wear something just a little nicer then the palm, and my mother said , no way!!! it is to seductive and not aidel.
Mommy, i had plenty of boys that wanted me with the palm, and the truth is, once in the hotel, you take it off anyway.
Sorry I cant sign my name on this.

At 9/27/2005 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moochy you talk like a girl you write like a girl your english is to good for a satmar boy. isnt it odd for a frum man to rant on a blog about women's issues? is there a blog of a frum man ranting about just that frum men?

At 9/27/2005 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so who says he is a boy?

I sure hope he is :)

At 9/27/2005 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is PALM????? and jbf it sounds like you are accusing women of being men again

At 9/28/2005 9:13 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Hi to all ANONS.

Do you guys really want me to disable anons?
Please sign your name at least.

Esther R. you can safely create your name. You do not need to release any intelligence.

Anon Moishy, you sure have a point, and at the same time an encouraging one. I will disagree on the slip though. (And what is a square skirt? or did you mean a "straight" skirt.

YY its "September".

Powder: If you wear thick palm, off-colored stockings, then you wouldn’t need a seam, since it is obviously not bare legs.

Hi Lost, glad you Found us.

Anon, Is the first part a compliment?
Well, if you like what's being said, why would you care for his/her gender?
and if you really want to see blogs about frum men, (mostly dealing with their "taaveh's" and masturbation issues, e-mail me and I might give you some.

Oh yes, I have an e-mail address for you all. MooochyBlog@yahoo.com

OK, for those of you who don’t know, Palm is a brand for kosher stockings, thick and with seams, and they are now producing frum tights as well, so no need for the girdles, girlies.

At 9/28/2005 11:31 AM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

moochy what you mean that its september?

At 9/28/2005 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I 'll tell you whats sexy about seams.

You meet the guy and he is curious what is that on your stockings? is it a fixed "run"?
well no, its something WE must have,
really? wow, may I touch it??
Sure!! (please do)
so this is part of your stockings?? wow, how far up does it go?
Why dont you see for yourself?
ok tell me when to stop...
and she never did...
the end.


At 9/28/2005 10:56 PM, Blogger Anonymous said...

Ok, Mooch!
I really like your blog and everything, and I never write unclean stuff. I do however read some blogs that I'd rather not people to see my blog name on. Believe it or not, yours is one of them.

I do leave it, bec. I don't REALLY care. I wouldn't mind if no friend of mine who has my url to see me participlating.

Therefore I was quite surprised when you requested "only clean comments". Maybe you don't realize that you're profile message, sends a message about what readership you want.

Again, you have a great blog, and if you want your blog to stay clean, be clean.

At 9/29/2005 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yoish!! You are sooo cute.


At 9/30/2005 9:07 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Isn’t September the month of “Elul”?

ER: Can I invite you as a guest writer?

Chick: cut it at the right height? Know what they say; A Rabbis speech should be like a woman’s skirt, long enough to cover the basics, short enough to keep your interest.

So you are “ashamed “ to read the blog, but yet you still read it? May I take that as a compliment? LOL

OK deal, tell me which comment is the most sexual one, and I will change it.

At 9/30/2005 12:23 PM, Blogger Anonymous said...

No, Moochy, I'm not ashamed, per se. Difficult to explain. My point was though, that if youre going to demand clean comments, you should keep it clean yourself.

Have a good one.

At 10/02/2005 2:06 PM, Blogger Moochy said...


I was serious about that note.
and thanx for stopping by anyway.
I do love pantyhose.


I think I got your point, but everyone likes a little mushy talk :)

At 10/06/2005 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant believe u guys actually think its sexy i think its sooo boring been wearing them for 6 yrs wo they r just 75cents extra lol

At 10/09/2005 10:56 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Anon, Iat least you feel better about the 75 cents you thought you wasted. LOL

Slik why the # 2? is your bust your beast feature? did I burst your bubble?


At 10/09/2005 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mooochhhh luv!!
Next time you see me in the aisle at the grocer, please make that mistake and brush my chest,, I know you will like mine ;)


At 10/09/2005 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I've been told that during WW11 nylon was used for parachutes and thus a shortage of nylon for womens stockings. So girls painted a seam on the back of their legs to be in vogue. If the women must dress completely sexless why don't they just wear floor or ankle length skirts/dresses?. And why are the chasidic rabbis so obsessed with womens body parts?


At 10/10/2005 9:04 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Joseph! Hello!!

That is an interesting one I havent heard of yet.

So now I am sure, that palm was not popular those days, therefore they did not have to paint their legs orange-ish (yes I like the -ish, is it child-ish? ..) before painting the seam.

Secret! I cant do it to all my secrets, sorry , you would have to be more specific.or better yet, forget it.

At 10/11/2005 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh moochy i feel great i guess will start wearing two seams on each foot front and back so when man looks down when he comes towards u he should see the seams ahhhhhhhhhhh that sounds pretty sexxxxy... lol p.s i feel good about my 75 cents...lol

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