Friday, December 02, 2005

Mooochy is wondering- Music

There are plenty od tapes/CD’s released every week, new singers or old ones, wanna be stars’ and ex-stars, a once upon guitar player of a rock band who is in tshuvah mode, or a chasidishe rap singer. One puts more effort into music while the other devotes it to his tunes or psukim or lyrics.
One thing they all have in common is, each and every CD averages to a total of 1 hit song 2 good ones and maybe another 2 OK songs, the rest of them hardly pass even to be played for a customer while he is on “hold”.

My question is, if people are not stupid , they should realize the above averages and cut their tape in half , and be a hit by having a whole CD with great songs! Why spend additional funds for songs, that one sitting in the car listening will hit the right arrow button as soon as they hear this and that song coming up? I would think they all know who they are and how good they really are so be realistic and make a cd with 2 hits!! I bet you will be popular if you only have GREAT songs!!

I have stumbled on a new CD of someone named Chaim Yisroel, I am not a music guru and I don’t know all the singers so I am not sure if he is a BT or whatever, but while I was listening to the cd, I was all fond for his style of music but I was amazed at the lyrics of a few songs.

The first time I heard #7 I was actually gazing on all the comments of the last post, so I figured I will relate them to you.
(its in Hebrew and I am doing the best translation I can)

There are people who dream of overspending and fortune,
There are those who want to become rich in a minute,
But I am a “plain” human, and to life I approached,
Finding myself a warm corner (spot) and in all I asked for,:



PS. Thank you guys for all the encouraging e mails.


At 12/02/2005 9:59 AM, Blogger FrumGirl said...

I've heard Chaim Yisroel. He has an amazing voice! Yes he has some interesting lyrics too... one called 'Bas Yisroel' I have never heard a song about jewish girls quite like this before. As for the mediocre jewish singers... it is what it is! That is why I do not limit myself to jewish music.

At 12/02/2005 10:21 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

But Lipa is good at whatever he does.
Frum:I have never heard a jewish song about a bas yisroel ever, period :)
OK I understand why Lipa cant do that :)

At 12/03/2005 11:14 PM, Blogger SemGirl said...

Its called filler material.. You find it in both the Jewish and secular markets..

DUH... Thats like why you go to Kazaa or Limewire and download what you like to put on your MP3 player or burn your own CD..

At 12/04/2005 2:44 AM, Blogger smb said...

I agree about CD's, it's much easier and quicker to fast forward.

I love music and would like to buy more albums but have to buy other stuff now.

At 12/04/2005 2:08 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Just wondering like how do you define "completely innapropriate" from just a little innapropriate in a non-Jewish song?
Sem girl: I always thought you need Yeshivah education for the free stuff.
IVM: Learn the tricks from semgirl.
Tuesday: I dont know the one you are refering to, but I am not that much into music at all.

At 12/04/2005 8:31 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

I've yet to find modern Jewish music worth listening to.

At 12/05/2005 6:13 AM, Blogger Pragmatician said...

That explains the surreal success of Itunes.

At 12/06/2005 8:55 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

David, what do you consider "modern"? I would think this Chiam Yisroel album would qualify.
Prag as I am not that familiar, is I tunes the tunes of an I pod?
Eshet, I am glad I kind of figured it out.
Special, Dirtiest places, would be considered songs like the Piamentas Asher Barah and "Yiden" from MBD (I still can get over the fact that its a German tune and in addition its MBD who is holier then thou and he is great on whatever he does, so why he would need to do that is beyond me. But Lipa's Abi me'laibt, I do not know the Lion King show but I saw a clip of the original song and it looks rather silly

At 12/06/2005 9:02 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

On a seperate note:
I think Lipa is taking todays music scene to a new level.

He was the first one to "rap"
He was the first one that made songs where the lyrics are pure shtisim. Ah feina Kaveh..etc.

and now he is the first one to have music video, where the original idea was since he wasnt allowed to attend the HASC concert, so he did the one with "Gelt", and now its official with alist of credits for producers, costume designers etc.

Personally I really admire the talent that he has, and I like his performances as well, but in the Jewish music scene I think he brought us a step up to the goyish music.

At 12/07/2005 11:28 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

There is an extreme disconnect between
The best music is when everything fits together like a hand in a glove..
When a singer sings about his girlfriend leaving..he's living the words..Its' not abstract, like when Mendy Wald sings about Moshiach.

Having said that..I do enjoy Lipa..and his ability to "think out side the box"

At 12/08/2005 9:47 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

David: I liked your example, not that I know Mendy walds album, but for some odd reason, you have to be at least a Baal Tshuvah to sing about mushiach with your heart and soul.

Turquo, Make you move a certain way, is rather cause he puts alot of effort into his music, and yes that makes you want to shake it ;)

Special ! Yes of course its for the soul, and it can set your mood too and result in a sad or happy kid. ;)

At 12/12/2005 9:28 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Am I happy? sure am, cause you said I am adorable... Thanx it's good for my ego.

real you: good point, ha ha

Slik, umm.. dont start this again now:)

Special, I try to post every so often, but I have to believe first that its good, unlike other blogs, I wont tell you how great my day was or how un enjoyable my weekend was and baable off a post with it, so "ten li ahavah be'lev...

At 12/21/2005 10:51 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Dating, May I suggest, try to become gay please. You are living with just a tad too much of frustration, Mister.

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