Monday, January 09, 2006

Mikvah? Really? WOW!!!!!

Quietly: I think .. is in middle of counting
A: really?, like, what makes you think so?
Ruchy: I suspect…
How come???
I realized when her husband….

WHO CARES??? And why is it such a big deal???? It’s a cycle, as long as its healthy people you are talking about, she WILL go to the mikvah, one day or the other. As a matter of fact she goes EVERY month… and YOU are going too…so why is it so exciting to repeat it to your friend???
The funny thing is people even give her credit for being the “Einstein” in figuring that out. Wow is it ground hawk day?

On the same note, why should you blush in the pharmacy when you are getting protectors for natures cause? Interesting that even men who buy them for their spouse’s are hiding them too. Hello.. EVERYONE DOES!!!! You weren’t spotted buying edible panties!! DUH!!!


At 1/09/2006 5:07 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

I skipped on the brand or method cause of the readers. NO, I didnt blush when I wrote it.

At 1/09/2006 7:56 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

mikva night is news because it means that the woman uses some type of birth control because if not she wouldnt need a mikva because she would be pregnant or nursing lololololol
how sad im sick of chassidamn

At 1/09/2006 10:42 PM, Blogger Chani Vogue said...

Generally the ones who keep others' calendars dont have enough going on in their own, and therefore they have to fill their minds with others' schedule. You know that in our society unfortunately communication leaves much to be desired in many relationships, and oftentimes, the girls are left lacking, and therefore they try to live vicariously through their friends bedroom lives, or lack thereof. I think it is a coping mechanism. I know one thing, those girls that are up with mikvah and stuff are also the ones that are up with who is preggie, how many months after the wedding, how far along they are, their due dates....
as to me, I am so wrapped up in myself, I dont give enough of a damn, to figure anyone else's life out,,,

At 1/10/2006 2:20 AM, Blogger Open Up! said...

i just have to laugh at this whole post...i also have to agree with anon beaut...i too couldn't care less...let everyone live their own life..

At 1/10/2006 9:57 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

What's wrong with edible panties?
Doesn't everyone use them?

At 1/10/2006 10:59 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Do you always shot there? or just when you need to get something like this?
FYI I dont think there are any edible ones with a hechsher !!
YY: The lol at the end of the comment was a good idea, otherwise umm... just kidding
Powder this for you now: PAD
Annon Beauty, in total agreement with you.
Open: Thanks
Slik: "Einstein"
Serene: lol lol (poor slik)
David: some are makpid on Kosher certitification, or as they say, under rabbincal supervision ;)

At 1/10/2006 12:35 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Supervision? the rabbis have to be there when it's eaten too?
K'shmoi..kein hu

At 1/11/2006 2:07 AM, Blogger Elisheva said...

The post raises a very valid point, and some cute ones.

I totally agree about the keeping track. Especailly as an unmarried girl it is so disgusting when another unmarried friend makes a comment like that about a mutual married friend. Like she has to show off that she knows about this? We all do and it is nobody's business!

I also think that a lady should keep it to herself. Like once a lady where I work was talking about why she and her husband couldn't go boating and she says we couldn't go because of me (and gives that look). She could just say that it didn't work out. But maybe that's my feeling as a single girl.

I agree with SpecialX again about the pads. I am soooo embarrassed if I am in King's or Refua (Lakewood frum pharmacies) and need to get them if there are frum guys especially bachurim there. I always try to buy it in Shoprite, Walmart etc. Still if a frum bachur suddenly stands in line behind me I am cringing. But is that not normal? Like I don't think my brothers Have too much of a clue about this, so why shouldn't I be uncomfortable?

I don't know why it should be differnt when I will be married but I guess time will tell.


At 1/12/2006 7:29 AM, Blogger Pragmatician said...

YY-Women who whish to get pregnant would kill for it to be so simple!

Moochy-I never got why it's such a big deal, all the frum women do it, it's if you're never spotted by the mikvah that should be embarassing.

At 1/12/2006 10:46 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Thanx all for the praises,
I have to tell you all ,some posts I just write for "the fun of it" but on this one, I was pretty serious about it, and as I see most of you agree.
Eshet, come on , you really need to try it, or else you wont understand???? ;) lol
Special good point, I am just not sure if it is like you said it.
Slik, thanx for filling in. ;)
No, word verification is automatic, if I would do it, it wouldnt be so lame, dont you think?
Serene, FYI, Slik has been nursing or preggy since I know her ;) or better yet, since she got married :)
Elisheva, right, but WHY????
and just like you are saying to that woman, "we all know about it" I have news for you, so do the guys, about the pads.
besides that a Buchor would figure this out from Gemurah etc.
Tuesday: I only knew of one lady that was doing it for over 30 years and yes, she was special indeed, besides, its rather the younger ones who are keepiong everyones schedule.
Sheitel: Good point, did you ever realize, when you call someone with the news of a newlywed that had a baby, she would go, umm,, when did they get married? and hear them counting quietly... Hello, frum people dont have kids oyut of wedlock, so you dont need to count.. ;)
Prag: thats why I posted this ;)

At 1/12/2006 10:50 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Dating, as I am trying to "stay in line" with the blog, I have no choice but to delete your comments that are not in line with the posts or comments.
and dont even try it again.

At 1/12/2006 11:13 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

I have learned about some readers of the blog lately, and as I heard, there are a lot of heimish frum girls out there, (but are shy to comment), so do you still think I should do it?

At 1/12/2006 1:33 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

ill post here as often as i want

At 1/12/2006 1:35 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 1/12/2006 4:59 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Can I please have a chat with the one holding the knife to you to come to the blog?
BTW your comments are good and probably true, but no, I do not wish to figure oout who exactly is pregnant, and also I never try to guess if its gonna be a boy or a girl !!!
Special Clean is the problem with that post.
Shy welcome to blogland!

At 1/12/2006 8:42 PM, Blogger SemGirl said...

Shev, just go to Pathmark in Howell late at night problem solved. Sometimes I see two or three frum married ladies in the fem-products aisle in Shoprite discussing which brand is better for like 20 minutes. Even if there are no men around, could you like be a lil more GROSS.

At 1/12/2006 9:28 PM, Blogger FrumGirl said...

Its sad if people actually busy themselves with other peoples calendars. As for me, I was taught in Kallah Class to keep it to myself. So I did. I kept it a secret at all costs. And then I realized that its human nature, everyone knows we do it... so whats the biggee? I guess I grew up.

At 1/13/2006 1:34 AM, Blogger Elisheva said...

Shy, you sound so much like I was when I first discovered all these blogs. I read and read and didn't comment at all. We definitely are alot of us out there. I don't blog at work and my friends (most) don't know (wouldn't dream?) that I have it in my house, so I can't tell girls so much of what I wish I could share with them.

But sure we would love such a post. Who doesn't know about it and wants to know more? But is it really good for us? I don't know. But you always think maybe this bit of information will make it better for you when your time comes... And there is definitely the yent part that like just NEEDS to know, lol!

About buying the pads, like Shy said, between us it's like casual, but please with a line of heimish men standing there, why shouldn't we go crimson? First of all i really don't think it's like you say Moochy that they all know, but maybe I'm naive. I just have reasons to think that at least my brothers don't know. Besides, when I buy underwear I wouldn't either want to do it with a bunch of heimish guys standing around even though everyone knows that a person wears undies. It's just something that is like in such a sensitive, private place, I guess it is natural to be embarrassed in from of the opposite sex.


At 1/13/2006 9:47 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

I would argue your comparison of buying undies to buying pads.

When you choose a certain pair of undies, I think it says alot about your personality, and a little even on your sexual life, (yes even if you dont have any) It is a much more personal thing, you express class, style and more depending on what you buy.
Vs. pads, you say one thing: I am human, and need to take care of things.
Frum, I would say that at all kallah classes they somehow make it sound lik its really this big deal and you should do your utmost to make sure no one finds out, and we actually follow that with calling the mothers and the in law's before hand, to make sure they wouldnt call and ask hub where is she.... etc.
But after a while everyone loosens up a bit.

I thought about the request, but, really now, like what should it be about?? as this is not a sex-ed class, Tips? Ideas? matter of facts??
Please e-mail me your thoughts, if you do not wish to comment here.

At 1/16/2006 1:49 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

so cute. Brought back memories of the first time..I tepidly cross the line between lurking and posting...

At 1/16/2006 2:22 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

cmon we know why you are defending mooochyJBFslikchicknormal1

At 1/16/2006 3:36 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

JBF forgot to take her meds today
LMAO hahhahhaah

At 1/16/2006 4:12 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Trying to avoid the non-sense, yes , and thanx all.

David , what were you trying to say?

At 1/16/2006 4:15 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

You will now have to paste the e-mail with a different blog name, sorry.

At 1/16/2006 5:44 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

The reason I deleted it: since I had valid proof that it was NOT JBF who posted the comment.
And I will contimue doing that.
Be yourself, and speak for yourself.

Dating, I am not a blog police, but i find your material really disturbing, especially when you tend to use innocent commentors names in them.
So please do not even try to post with any name that can direct people to that particular blog.
Please understand and cooperate.

At 1/17/2006 9:32 AM, Blogger Open Up! said...

just for the record special is not jbf i know them both

At 1/17/2006 10:51 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Just commenting..on Shy comment..
reminiscing..of when I went from lurking to was such a

At 1/19/2006 9:14 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Sorry all for not posting something new, I will, soon.

Open, thanx.
(I only know special, and she sure is not anyone else).

David thanx, but sounds like its shy again . :)

Slik, lol , so no one was there :)
Special, uh huh.
Sheitel, Glad you can relate.
I like the way you say to a "7Bruchos"

At 3/06/2006 1:30 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

GO YOU!!! 100% I agree with the post!

At 7/02/2006 6:12 AM, Blogger chanie said...

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